About Us | Our Purpose | Our Experience

Cybersecurity assessments, web application penetration tests,  and vulnerability assessments are solely what we do. We don't try to do a hundred other things. Our purpose is to inform you of the potential risk exposure with the ultimate aim of helping to strengthen your security posture. Your success is our success.

We are tool and vendor agnostic, so our recommendations are based on decades of best practices and not on sales team recommendations.

All of our practitioners, only reside and have been trained within Canada. Have had extensive background checks and have over a decade of cyber security assessment experience. Not to mention additional experience as either security analysts, forensic analysts, or developers.

You will not find bait & switch tactics here, where the partners sell and juniors perform the work. Ultimately, you always know who is performing the work, and what you pay for is a higher quality assessment versus a premium sales experience with an overall lower quality assessment result.

In summary, what you get with us is:

  • Only experienced practitioners performing the work: 10 years +.

  • No outsourcing, ever.

  • No fear-mongering.

  • No egos! Our goal is to help you succeed, not to tear you down.

We use industry best standards & frameworks:

We hold qualifications such as:

We use industry best standards & frameworks:

We hold qualifications such as:

Contact Us

150 King Street West, Suite 237
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1J9

Questions? For a more detailed estimate or quote.
Email us at: 
